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Saturday, February 26, 2011


bosan plak da ptg2 nie...pnas terik lak 2 walaupun ad hujn skit2 jp td...n skrg msh lg ujan...ujan trun pn pns still trase agi...da xde2 kje nie mood study pn xde gak WALAUPUN slase nnt test agi...adoiii...nk mengeluh byk2 pn x elok gak da settle part 1 ak ambk lesen kete...kre da dpt L laa nie...lsn jew x kuar agi...WALAUPUN agk m'cabar gak sbnr nye g course nie tp kne gak laa g n thn tlinga n mata ntk dpt kn L...klu xde L x dpt laa P n, di ptg yg bosn nie nk merapu ap pn xtau sgt sbnr merapu je laa smpi abis ptg nie...smpi da abis hrf kt keyboard nie ak tekan...kje pn ad gak nie nk kne wat tp 2 laa...masih gak mlas...msh gak x dpt k'rajinan...spe yg nk bg ak jd rjn nie...ak kwn ngn bdk rjn pn ak ttp x rjn...xpe laa at least dpt laa kowt sket2 tempias rjn 2...WALAUPUN ak xdelaa rjn sgt sbnr nye xpe laa...dpt tempias sket2 pn jd laa 2...dlu ckgu slalu ckp (tyme skolah rndh) ~rjn mcm semut~

da laa xtau nk merapu ap da...bek ak g solat pas2 rht2...benti ujan ley g psar mlm...2 laa xtvt riadah plg mnrk...klu ambk attendance rse nye penuh nie nk mkn kebab sbb da 2 mggu x bli kebab...hrp2 ujan pn benti n cuaca pn tenang...

~antara fevret psr mlm ku~


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ble xde clazz

aiyakk!!!xde klas lg hr nie...esk pn xde klas....klas asyk xde...asyk2 xde klas....lalu ak pn mule laa wat2 bz (p'kara yg plg x disukai oleh 2 org member ak) smlm xde klas tp ak da b'jaya m'habiskan mse kt library ngn penoh dedikasi...hebt gak ak nie (bragging mood) nie xtau laa mau buat ap ble xde klas...mata da naik juling study...haish...germ lak ak tgk budk2 nie g b'suka suki...xde spe pn nk ajak ak kuar...sedh nyer...mmg ak nie xde kwn yg btol2 rpt pn yg nk bwk ak kuar...xpe ak b'tekad akn dptkn lesen kete ak dgn ak ley laa kuar sesuka hti lpas nie...

esk pn xde klas gak...esk mau ambk exm kmptr lesen kete...hrp ak dpt laa melebihi 42/50...mlas nk ambk 2 3 kali...biar ambk sekali jer...ak sggp stay back lpas final exm nnt ntk dapatkn lesen ak (tggi cita2, L pn x lpas lg)...jmmt ad test n presentation...cuti byk tp study x hbs2 lg...knp kah begini???nie laa hakikat...kenyataan...

even byk mne pn mse yg lecturer bg tp student mmg ske study last minute...da jd cm p'kara wjb kowt study last minute...bru laa menguji mata & otak even before msuk exm hall...ble smpai dlm exm hall mcm2 expression yg korg ley tgk...korg ley banding between student yg prepare awl, yg prepare last minute & yg x prepare lgsg...

lastly...wishing everyone n myself gudluck ntk test jmmt nie...ntk kwn2 klas yg follow blog nie ngat next week ad test lg k...

Monday, February 21, 2011

bragging?! so what?

is it a big deal? hello....there's nothing wrong about bragging as long as u x annoyed impossible laa klu u brag and no 1 get org prnh ckp yg xde slh nye klu kte nk brag or dlm bhsa melayu nye "masuk bakul angkat sendiri" tp jgn smpai melampau2...klu korg tgk org keliling da tgk lain mcm fhm2 laa yer...

why am i talk about this today? ntah...sje2 je...anyway have a good nite...


Saturday, February 19, 2011

tekanan & kekecewaan

semua org mengalami tekanan & kekecewaan dlm, bergantung pd individu on how u would handle it...the way u handle it will result in different outcome even if the type of depression is just the a normal human being it is impossible that life would be as nice as in the fairy tales. it is impossible u will end up living happily ever after. depression and frustration will always come in between u...the thing matter right now, how would u address your depression and frustration?

as a student, there are lots of things that i should sometime drive me to feel stressful all day long or all week long...i cant sleep well, eat well or event think well...i will be drive far from my real self...luckily, there's always someone that i can always rely on...i can always share anything that bothering me...thanks a lot to that person or else i will end up messing myself and my head with all stupids weird things...

frustration?i remember 1 time when i broke up with my ex...i end up crying all night...but, i'm the 1 that ask for quite strange but it happen when i realize that the decision was not so me...why did i broke up?i dont really know the reason why...frustration always come when u done something without thinking about the think wisely when ever it come to decision matter what decision are u going to make just make sure think about it properly...


Monday, February 14, 2011

2nd post

ouchhh... skt news yg kwn2 da b'tunang...da nk khwn...yg da khwn pn ad gak...apsal laa korg khwn cpt sgt...tggu laa dlu...ble fkr2 blk dlu my mom at my age right now da ad ank pn...aiyak!!!!skrg nie pn da mcm jd trend org khwn nk khwn byk bnde nk fkr kwn...even kite sbg pmpn nie ckp pmpn xyah pening2 nk siapkn duit n so tggjwb sbg istri 2 korg da sedia nk trime ke?

most are hoping 2 hv only once in a lifetime marriage...but, look back what had happen now...mse b'cinta everythg's ok...sumenye fine...xde cacat ble da gduh mule laa nk mengungkit...nk m'bangkit isu2 lpas... what for korg nk ungkit2?renungkan laa kesilapan masg2...take time 2 reflect urself n ur partner...nobody perfect, but u'll complete somebody life when u enter into their life. if u really love that somebody show ur love. no points of arguing, no points of bad mouthing...please do reflect urself guys...respect others, that is da only way u'll get respect by urself in order to be love...

sayangi lah diri anda & keluarga anda...anda tentu akn disayangi...bila dugaan dtg, ingat lah Allah sntiasa b'sme kite...sntiasa lah ingat padaNya...Dia x mungkin lupakn hambaNya walaupun kita seringkali t'lupakanNya...

bukan niat ntk menyinggung sesiapa cume nk mengingatkn diri sndr...


Thursday, February 10, 2011

1st day of blogging

xtau laa ap yang orang nk cakap...but this is da 1st time i touch this thing that they called blog...but wait...knp i create this blog?maybe just 4 fun, ntk luahkan ap yang ad dalam hati nie...

wait up...i could be boring but i still a human being not a robot...(that's what i hv in my mind right now).

so, i hope in the future i will continue writing this blog and x kan abaikan nye...
